1 thought on “How to get from Jiashan Oriental Building to Intime Department Store?”
Jiashan K222 Road 2.9 kilometers Jiashan Oriental Building is about 100 meters walk, and arrives at Jiashan Hotel Station . Take Jiashan K222 Road, pass 4 stops, to Joker Elephant World Station about 270 meters walk to Yintai Department Store (Jiashan Store) Copened Department Store (Jiashan Store)
Jiashan K222 Road 2.9 kilometers
Jiashan Oriental Building
is about 100 meters walk, and arrives at Jiashan Hotel Station
. Take Jiashan K222 Road, pass 4 stops,
to Joker Elephant World Station
about 270 meters walk to Yintai Department Store (Jiashan Store)
Copened Department Store (Jiashan Store)